We Were Liars | Teen Ink

We Were Liars

July 16, 2018
By TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, was one of the most shocking yet clever novels I've recently read, but still a book that nearly made me cry.

The story surrounds a seemingly perfect family, the Sinclair's, who have absolutely everything; beautiful grandchildren, fancy houses, even a private island. So as the Sinclair grandchildren get together for another holiday in paradise, nothing is going to stop them having their amazing summer on Beechwood.

Although, as normal and perfect as the Sinclairs may seem, the family's secrets begin to emerge, and soon not even Beechwood can hide what really happens behind the windows of the beautiful island houses every year.

Arguments become more frequent and Sinclair's stop coming to the island for their summer. Beach mansions collapse and money runs out. The oldest Sinclair grandchild, and heir of the Sinclair wealth, Cadence, has an accident, tarnishing the beautiful family and it's tradition, changing Beechwood forever.

I absolutely loved this novel, as I had no idea what was coming. The opening moments introduced me to the Sinclair family, the blond and rich generations that would inherit Beechwood Island. As we began to learn more about Cadence Sinclair, we also met the other family members; the lovely aunts, the loving grandparents, and the young grandchildren who pretended that Beechwood meant the world to them.

This novel is lead by a lot of emotional characters, as the perfect family appears more and more broken as the yearly island getaway becomes more and more of a battle to inherit Grandad's beloved Beechwood. The story is told by the eldest grandchild, but the story includes all four seemingly happy teenagers, which leads to a more and more saddening plot, as the only lasting relationships are put on the line in the struggles to own their childhood getaway.

We Were Liars was a fantastic read, and although it ended sadly (and completely unexpectedly), I enjoyed every moment, as the story seemed very realistic. The idea of a perfect family that was really only selfish and greedy created a tale that needed the four strong teenagers to hold the Sinclair's together, and fix the broken bonds before Beechwood was lost forever. I highly recommend this book, and would love to try some of E. Lockhart's other novels.


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