Wonder | Teen Ink


October 31, 2018
By aurorabarragan BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
aurorabarragan BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

            Wonder is a book about this boy named August born with a facial deformity. He spent his whole life sheltered by his loving caring parents and his sister. With little interaction with kids his own age afraid of bullying, and unable to be social. Auggie set off for 5th grade, his parents decided he should go to public school for a year than one fateful evening jack aggies friend and Auggies get into an altercation and kids stand up for him. Finally, other kids accept him for how he is and as the school year wraps up August grows close with his classmates and he even receives an award for his courage throughout the year.

            I really loved the book wonder I could not stop reading it. Wonder was a deep and intense book I really liked how they gave a different perspective point of view of the main characters. For example, via described how she felt when her parents always put her little brother first then her. The characterization was really good because it described how the characters were feeling at that certain moment. Also, I really liked how the book was giving me a visual representation while I was reading it. Something that didn't work for me was that author did not really give me detailed insight on how the parents had felt, like what they felt when Aggie was going through all his surgeries if they felt like he was not going to survive. One quote from this book that I really liked was jack's quote it said “Now here’s is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. “What is essential is invisible to the eye” (Merchant, Natalie).

I understood that we can’t judge someone for how they look for see we judge them to their

Hearts. The second quote that I like a lot was visa’s she said “For above the world Planet earth is blue and there is nothing I can do (Bowie, Davis). Out of this quote, I understood that we can’t change how people look so we might as well deal with how other people look. The plot structure of this book I liked it a lot because it showed really big ups and downs just like a roller-coaster and it kept the audience waiting what was going to happen you would feel hooked. The theme of this book is for kids that every one of us is unique in everybody’s different kind of way but we should not treat each other differently if we look different. I do recommend this book to any type of audience this book was written for the joy of kids but it does have interesting content for any type of age. Also, this can help kids or teens going through hard times at school and it motivates them to keep being themselves. I would not recommend it to adults that are already really mature because it does have little kid jokes.


Works Cited
Bowie, Davis. Wonder. n.d.

Merchant, Natalie. Wonder. 2012.

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aurora barragan

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