Escape from Lucien | Teen Ink

Escape from Lucien

October 31, 2018
By robertlara14 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
robertlara14 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

           Navin and his classmates set forth to Lucien, a city that is full of war and infested with mysterious creatures. They search for a beacon that is essential to their fight against the Elf King. Meanwhile his sister Emily heads into void where the voice that they can here is located. She takes Max, one of the Elf King’s faithful followers, where she learns his darkest secrets. The stakes, for both Emily and Navin, are higher than ever.

            What I like the most in Escape from Lucien is that fact that in the book, it is always persistent in having action. Every time a big conflict finishes or is resolved, pages later, there will be a big thing that will happen with tons of action. I think that all readers of Escape from Lucien can agree that there is non-stop action throughout the whole novel. There is always something new that is taking place in the book Escape from Lucien. In one of the scenes they had just finished fighting the shadows off. Emily quotes “Finally we got rid of them all”. Two pages later, there are about twenty more shadows.

            What I don’t like so much about Escape from Lucien is how the book is so predictable. I like it when a book is very surprising and you cannot really tell what is going to happen. In my opinion the reader should not give so many hints to the reader about what is going to happen next. Every. In a part of the book, they were all trapped in a corner surrounded by shadows. It was very obvious that they were going to be saved by the way that they were talking to each other. Once they were all trapped in the corner, Navin said “I enjoyed fighting side by side every last one of you”. One of the main characters “Riva” was not trapped with them, it was obvious the was going to save them.

            Escape from Lucien is quite hard to follow, but I believe that ages 14 and up should be able to understand and follow the struggles that the three stone keepers go through and how they mature. The book Escape from Lucien is very interesting and appeals to many readers, people who read this book will not be disappointed.

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