Both Of Me | Teen Ink

Both Of Me

October 31, 2018
By Treasure173 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Treasure173 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Clare is a girl who is running from her past when she finds herself tangled in the life of a boy with a personality disorder, Elias Phinn, one half is empathetic and imaginative and the other is artistic and impatient. When their traveling bag gets switched up on a flight Clare finds out that Elias knows a thing or two about her past and in order to find out what he knows Clare has to go on his journey but along the way, Clare finds herself falling for one half of Elias and questioning the other, As their worlds get tangled together she wonders, “Has my world become his, or his mine it was hard to say” (Jonathan Friesen 67). In the end, she finds out the truth that she wasn’t looking for.

I find this book to be an interesting read because of its young adult fiction and how it talks about two people facing a similar problem in their life. Friesen's use of witty wordplay and plot twist really helps to tie the two characters together and creates really good imagery. However, sometimes I found myself lost in a part where Clare was having flashbacks in the story. The book really gets in-depth with what the characters are feeling, and while reading the book you can see that these are real-life problems that people face today. Clare hopes to reconnect the pieces that Elias has lost and to keep the other half that she's fallen in love with hoping that his personality becomes whole again, “Frightened that you will be overcome by yourself? That gentle monster inside of you might take over and never let go” (Jonathan Friesen 87). I did find myself getting lost in what was happening in the book, Friesen didn't do a really good job with tying it all together. In the end, it seemed as if Friesen just put together a sloppy finish to the book with unclear details of how it got to that point in the story.

Both Of Me is a fiction book for ages 14-18, but it's an easy read and entertaining for a younger audience. However, if you're a person who likes action books, I wouldn't recommend you read because of the drama in it.

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