Conflict | Teen Ink


February 13, 2019
By kelskata BRONZE, Houston, Texas
kelskata BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In, “One of Us is Lying”, Karen M. McManus creates a character named Nate Macauley whose problems may be realistic or relatable. This story is about five strangers walking into detention, but only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.

    To begin, Nate has many conflicts throughout the story, including serving jail time. “So here’s the deal with being locked up. You keep your mouth shut. Don’t talk about your life or why you’re there. Nobody cares unless they want to use it against you.” (McManus, 317). Many people serve jail time who have committed such matters like murder. Every twenty seconds, someone is incarcerated for illegal drug law violation (New FBI Report: Every 20 Seconds, Someone is Arrested for Drug Law Violation), which means, the conflict (jail time) that Nate was going through was relatable/realistic.

    In addition, Nate held back since he thought he was not adequate enough for a girl named Bronwyn. “I don’t know how to be with someone like you, Bronwyn. I’m not saying I don’t want to, I’m saying I think I’d screw it up.’’ (McManus, 226). This quote means Nate believes he will screw up everything they have, which is common in most relationships. Usually, one partner supposes they are not good enough for one another. In the relationship, Nate has assumed that he is not suitable to be Bronwyn’s partner.

    Furthermore, Nate’s mother had disappeared, and Nate’s insecurities peaked, as well. “My throat goes dry and my head starts to throb. The woman pressing the bell turns around, and her mouth falls open a little weh she sees me. I’m surprised how normal my voice sounds when I speak. “‘What’s up mom?”’ (McManus, 198). This information implies that Nate’s mouth went arid when he saw his mother. They were both shocked when they saw each other. “She’s just a coke addict who ran off to some commute in Oregon and hasn’t talked to me since.” (McManus, 217). Nate knew the truth about his mother, that she had an addiction. Now, many adults of families suffer from an addiction of alcohol or drugs. Around 24 million people have an illicit drug abuse or alcohol problem, but only 11.2% (2.1 million) got the help they needed (Drug Rehab Stats). Though, Nate went through childhood trauma, many others go through the same, which makes the quote relatable/realistic.

    “One of Us is Lying” is a story about five strangers walking into detention, but only four walk out alive. McManus creates a character named Nate Macauley whose problems are realistic or relatable. His conflicts include relationships, jail, and a mother who came back after rehab.

The author's comments:

My name is Kelsie :))


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