Inkheart | Teen Ink


April 23, 2009
By Anonymous

Imagine standing in your living room peacefully, reading to your daughter and wife. Then suddenly, out of nowhere you see three very confused figures standing in front of you. Next your wife disappears forever. This is the being of the fantasy tale Ink heart, by Cornelia Funke.

It all started out when Mo (short for Mortimer) reads to his happy family the book Inkheart. Out of nowhere Mo's wife Teresa gets a one way ticket to the Inkworld, inside the book. While Dustfinger (the bullied victim), Capricorn and Basta (the average bad guys) come out of it. After a frighten encounter they all disappear into the night. For ten years Mo has been living secretly in a farm with his now-teenage-daughter Meggie, but their destiny changes when their secret is blown and may be in serious danger. On this wonderful adventure Mo and Meggie make new friends, but enemies too.

In the book there are some unique characters that capture your attention. For example Dustfinger makes you wonder, “is he ever going to get his revenge against Basta?” Or “is he the good guy or the bad guy in the story?” Another character that really captured my attention is Elinor and her stubbornness. She is obsessed with books and likes them more than people. Will that change over the course of the story?

This story was very interesting and different than others. It is loaded with suspense and many twist and turns. Of all the books I've read, the main idea of writing a story about a book is very attractive to readers.

What makes the Ink heart series so magical and clever is that the words wrap you up and keep you guessing. Although the book is long, and it might intimidate younger readers it is worth every page in it.

Funke has a way of formulating action and suspense without even having to kill any main character, unlike other action books where someone always has to die or get murdered.

This book may be long, but it can be relish by both young readers and adults. It has mild action and a whole lot of enjoyment ☺


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