The Sky is Everywhere | Teen Ink

The Sky is Everywhere

May 16, 2019
By Onetimeuser BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
Onetimeuser BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Sky is Everywhere is a novel about how grief and pain feels and is shared through the protagonist throughout the story. The protagonist, Lennie, goes through loss, confusion, and remorse.

Lennie grew up with her sister, Bailey, motherless being parented by their grandmother and uncle. That is until Bailey suddenly dies and Lennie's world is turned upside down. She goes through the days with memories of Bailey and even though she has so much support, she doesn’t know how to handle it. Toby, Bailey’s boyfriend, is mourning her just as Lennie is and their relationship grows through Bailey’s death. Lennie also knows it is wrong, and through the pain she meets the new boy, Joe, and through him she forgets her pain and grief. Through this love triangle, Lennie finds love, hope, and regrets through Toby and Joe.

The plot was really strong because the author, Jandy Nelson, writes about Lennie's life after Bailey dies and every chapter you find out more about Bailey, their mom, and Lennie’s feelings about every character. Lennie’s mom isn’t really mentioned much but you get enough background information of her to know that Lennie wants to find her, and Bailey tried to find her.

I really think the author shows what a life with and without Bailey felt like to Lennie. Also showing flashback about Bailey and Lennie through the poems connected with me. Throughout the book you will find poems after or before chapters that tell you either conversations with Bailey or Lennie’s thoughts of Bailey’s life. Overall this book shows that a loss of family and friends you can find different ways to grieve but still hold strong.

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