P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Hann | Teen Ink

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Hann

May 16, 2019
By 837443 BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
837443 BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    P.S. I still love you by Jenny Hann took me on a fun journey. There is so much that I came to learn just by reading this book; for example, about friendships, relationships, and being a teenager. The detailed plot in this book made me feel like I was living in the story. The humor and romance felt just like I was riding on a roller coaster.

    Lara Jean Covey is the main character in P.S. I still love you and she encounters many struggles in this book. She is the type of character that doesn’t want to be noticed at school, but she’s got a dorky and fun side too. Not only does she have to battle her way through junior year, but she also has to learn how to be in a relationship with the popular guy. She comes across obstacles like the way she feels about Peter, her boyfriend, and how to deal with his ex- girlfriend Gen. She already has so much on her plate, so it’s only a matter of time until something goes wrong.

My favorite part of the book is a quote from Chapter 7: “Boys will be boys, but girls are supposed to be careful: of our bodies, of our futures, of all the ways people judge us.” This helped me really connect to the character because teenage girls go through a lot. we can be easily judged, and used so it felt nice to see a quote like this that truly reflects honesty. It also gave me a better understanding of her life and perspective. Another very important and captivating part of the book was highlighted on Kindle by 2,802 readers in Chapter 57: “People come in and out of your life. For a time they are your world; they are everything. And then one day they’re not. There’s no telling how long you will have them near.” I think the reason this is important or eye catching to so many people is because it really speaks the truth and gives great advice to be careful with the important or precious things in life, like friends and family.

I recommend reading the book, P.S. I still love you. It is fun and memorable and brought me to a place of laughter and joy. I really connected and related to this book. It put me in a great and exciting state. Lara Jean overcame some hard struggles that gave me advice and proved to be funny, surprising, and amusing. It also gave me the courage to be confident. If you’re a teenager who likes a little romance and laughter this may just be your next favorite book.

The author's comments:

After reading “P.S. I Still love You” by Jenny Hann it taught me so much and I wanted to share my love for the book.  

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