To all the boys I’ve loved before | Teen Ink

To all the boys I’ve loved before

May 17, 2019
By jaymewright29 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
jaymewright29 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In To All the Boys I've Loved Before, a girl named Lara Jean struggles to put herself out there and throughout it all she manages to open up. She also struggles feelings for a boy named Peter Kavinsky and has to deal with it all. It all started with her sister, Kitty, giving Lara Jean’s five love letters to the boys she wrote them to.

After her love letters get out, she and Peter start fake dating and she experiences feelings for him. She doesn't know how to control them, or tell Peter how she feels.

I don’t like to read so I didn’t stay up until dawn, but for people that like to read and like this type of book, they would definitely stay up. I think this is a perfect book for teenagers because it involves all the obstacles teens face in everyday life; for example, we worry about what people think. This book impacted me because it shows that you can develop your confidence and not be worried.

I’ve read another one of Jenny Han’s books. It is part two of this one, but I can’t say much because that would be spoiling the rest of the story, but I will say that Lara Jean becomes more confident.

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