The House on Mango Street | Teen Ink

The House on Mango Street

July 9, 2019
By Anonymous

The House on Mango Street, written by Sandra Cisneros is a story about a young Latina/Mexican girl growing up in Chicago. Her name is Esperanza and Esperanza learns to deal with bullying and harassment. Making friends along the way to do crazy, fun,and dangerous things. Esperanza will find herself along this journey and what she wants to do/be in life. 

This book is for all ages to read as its interesting and dramatic with its characters. This book is set in first person in Esperanza’s perspective. We get to know what life is like for her. Esperanza is a young Latina girl trying to figure herself out.  Esperanza does have quite some character growth in this book. Such as learning to care for others and not herself. Showing part of the author's purpose. 

The setting is set in the 1960’s Chicago. In that time people of different color weren’t treated like how they are today. This is interesting showing how Latinos were treated during this time. Also giving incite on how people reacted to them and how Latinos reacted to it. Since the Esperanza family is poor they live on the poor side of Chicago. Resulting in a bad environment for people and kids.

Some dislikes with the book I had was sometimes the book lost tension. It would get sometimes boring. It would be nice if there were pictures added to show a more accurate picture of what's happening.  There are a lot of character’s in this story that dont add much to the story besides being a friend of Esperanza. Such as Sire because all he does is just stalk and look at Esperanza weirdly. 

However overall this book is okay. I do recommend this book for something to pass time with. As it loses its interest real quick. That’s okay because it makes way for more character growth or characterization. In the end to see how much characters change from how they were in the beginning. 

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