Queen Bees & Wannabees by Rosalind Wiseman | Teen Ink

Queen Bees & Wannabees by Rosalind Wiseman

May 15, 2009
By Carly Gandee BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
Carly Gandee BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Queen Bees & Wannabees by Rosalind Wiseman
Title of review: Teens World

This book takes you inside the secret world of girls’ friendships, and knowing what they are saying, and understanding it. The main idea is helping your daughter survive cliques, gossip, boyfriends, and other realities of Adolescence.

Description and summary of main points
People have spent more than a decade listening to thousands of girls talk about the powerful role cliques play in school. What they wear and say, how they feel about school, boys and about and how they feel about themselves. Queen bees, wannabees, backstabbers, and more are a lot of roles played in cliques in school.

This book shows what a teen’s girl world is consisted of. I thought this book was very good for a parent to read, because they can learn about what their teen is going through, so they can help the teen through it. When parents help, it seems to the teen that they care. That makes the teen more comfortable around them and more comfortable to talk to them about anything, so they can come to them for help and not scared or afraid.

This book is all about standing by your daughter and learning what is going on in their mind or world and knowing how to help. Girls will always be girls, and the same thing that happens to any girl will happen to the other. Girls will always make mistakes, but they will learn from them and never make that mistake again. Parents really need to read this book if they want to get close with their child or wants to understand what they are going through. It would really help. This book is very helpful.


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