Fearless book review | Teen Ink

Fearless book review

May 2, 2022
By ashallue SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ashallue SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book Fearless by Eric Blehm  is a captivating, powerful biography about former Navy Seal Adam Brown and the obstacles he faced in becoming a top tier navy seal operator. The book follows his life events from when he was first born to his  tragic death. 

When Adam was young he wasn't like other children, from birth his parents knew he was going to be tough as nails. For instance when he was in high school he jumped out of a moving truck off a bridge diving 60 feet into a lake. This was just one of the crazy stunts he did for fun. It is easy for me to relate to his crazy childhood and that is one of the reasons I like this book, it's relatable. He was just a normal crazy kid. 

When Adam graduated high school he didn't really have a plan, he worked for his dad's electrical company and eventually turned to drugs, and became very addicted to crack and heroin. This heavily affected his relationships with his best friends and his family. Despite the negative impact that Adams addiction had on his family, his parents were determined to get him the help he needed. I really enjoyed how Adam was a very family minded person in his early years, and how he developed throughout the book. After a few long years Adam was led to the navy by an old highschool friend. He was ready to get his life back on track.

When Adam joined the Navy he didn't want to be a regular sailor, he wanted to be the best of the best, so he immediately joined the navy seals. After overcoming BUDS, the hardest military training in the world, Adam was running training drills when he was shot in the eye by a sim round. He lost complete vision in his dominant eye. Anyone else would have quit the navy, but not adam. To overcome this new challenge he learned to shoot with his non-dominant eye. He faced many other challenges like this. Adam still didn't give up, he learned to adapt, while at the same time he joined Seal time six, the best one percent of all the navy seals. I really enjoyed how Adam didn't give up ever; it is clear that throughout the book he has a can-do attitude and it gives the book an uplifting feeling. Finding his faith in god and joining the navy turned him into the American hero we know today. He was able to overcome some of the craziest challenges and kept on moving forward, making him fearless.


The book made me realize what a person can be capable of if they put their mind to something. Adam was able to do anything he wanted to even if the odds were stacked against him. He had grit and would never give up. Fearless was the most inspirational book I have ever read. It proves that all my dreams can be possible as long as I believe in myself and not let anything get in my way. It reminded me to never take anything for granted and always be grateful for the things I have. 

The author did an amazing job of making me feel like I was in the book. I was there when Adam made the ultimate sacrifice, I was there when Adam saw his new born baby, I felt like I was living his life. I didn't want to put this book down. Page after Page I read and read. This book put me through a roller coaster of emotions. I would get so emotional throughout the book, because lots of things that happen to him in his life made me focus on my life and how fortunate I am to live where I live and have the support I need to get through the everyday struggles of life.This captivating experience is why I would get emotional throughout the book, and why I give it 5 out of 5 stars. 

I highly recommend this book to anybody and everybody as it has changed readers' lives for the better, it encapsulates valuable life lessons and most of all it teaches you to be fearless like Adam Brown.

The author's comments:

This is a book review for my American literature class 


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