The Big Book of Conspiracies by Danny Sanchez, | Teen Ink

The Big Book of Conspiracies by Danny Sanchez,

January 25, 2023
By danny-sanchez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
danny-sanchez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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Did Doug Moench get assassinated by the CIA?.  Well if he hasn't he needs to, His book The big book of conspiracies is a C-Tier book although being a graphic novel featuring other comics and me having a deep love for comics this “book” disappointed me. Why name a book with an amazing title, a thrilling heart pumping name!!! But not go more into depth of more reasonable conspiracies? 

The first few comics featured authors such as Robin Smith, Randy Deburke, Russel Braun, etc there part in this book for being the first comics in the first pages of the book was an amazing move by doug it was a good start i won't lie, But since Doug added other authors and them unbalancing the emotions i had it brought the feeling of curiosity and imagination inside me to the edge and killed it for example Rick Geary his comic in this book was the start of my downfall for this book and after reading his it lead to the death of my enjoyment in this book. 

I personally at first would have recommended this book since I read the first few comics and had my thoughts with full intent to recommend this book. Now that I read the book to the point where my enjoyment was killed even though I read further into it I felt as if it was boring and it displeased me so much it was as if I was just wasting my time. This book would have been amazing in my point of view but if you want oohs and aahs...And then go straight into a pit of disappointment be my guest. His book has 1 award and it being the 1996 Eisner Award for Best Anthology. I am more….Disappointed in the author himself than the featured authors.

I would have personally loved it if it involved the New World Order (The Illuminati) if it were later in the book after reading a bunch of comics that bored me it would have been such an amazing redemption, but he doesn't really add authors of illuminati comics into it as if  he was scared to add one?….Well Im done reviewing this book i'm done wasting my time raving on about like i said a C-Tier book its basically borderline garbage. I DO NOT RECOMMEND.


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