...Blue Bloods... | Teen Ink

...Blue Bloods...

June 27, 2009
By Anonymous

Blue Bloods -

Melissa De La Cruz,

Book One of Blue Blood Series
I spend a lot of time in the young adult or adult section at my local bookstore. I will be the first one to admit to a fantasy addiction. All kinds of fantasy but lately I’ve become rather partial to the urban fantasy that has made such a splash with teens. This Book was suggested to me my one of the people that work there and I didn’t think it looked really good or sounded good at all, I was really wrong,
Schuyler Van Alen (also known as Sky), her best friend, Oliver Hazard-Perry
, and their new friend, Dylan Ward, don’t fit in with the popular crowd at their prestigious New York private school. While their classmates are getting into upscale trouble by staying out all night at ultra-exclusive hot-spots like Block 122, Schuyler and her friends are trying to get into The Bank.

Although Schuyler comes from old money, the only “living” family member she has is her grandmother, a woman who frowns on opulent spending. Schuyler dresses in secondhand clothes, doesn’t have a chauffeur, and spends every Sunday at the hospital visiting her comatose mother.

One of Sky’s tormentors is the spectacular Mimi Force. She and her twin brother, Jack, are the quintessential New York rich kids. They are blond, perfect and the envy of every other student at Duchesne. They are already junior members of the long-standing New York Blood Bank Committee.

One night, when the popular kids are at Block 122, and Schuyler and her friends are hanging out at The Bank, a fellow student turns up dead. Most assume that Aggie Carondolet died of a drug overdose
, but a few students suspect that Aggie was murdered.

Murder and death are not events that happen to students from Duchesne, mostly because the student body is made up of cycling vampires, or blue bloods. They aren’t vampires in the B-movie traditional sense. In the world created by Melissa de la Cruz, roughly 400 vampires can exist at any one time. They do not die in the classical perception, but recycle their consciousness to reappear in the world at different times. One of the only ways to kill them is for a creature of evil to drink their blood, forcing them to become a Silver Blood.
The greatest thing about this book is it has a story, substance and depth. It is more on the mystery kind of lit, and it irks me, in a way that I want to discover the secrets that have not yet been revealed yet. It provides the readers with questions that could only be answered after reading further on. As I’ve read on one review, in Blue Bloods, Melissa dela Cruz has created a new world of vampires that is somewhat different from the others.
And also Blue Bloods reminds me of Gossip Girl, only this time the characters are vampires themselves. The only comment that I can make in the book is that there’s so many descriptions and pages that are dedicated to show us the Manhattan way of life. As for character development, each character in the story was given importance, and I’m looking forward to learn more about them.


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on Jan. 22 2011 at 10:32 pm
Diamond-Ritiuall, Seattle, Washington
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
why do we kill people who kill ppl to show killing ppl is wrong?

aww i luvd this book! it was soo...WOWZA! XD