The Notebook | Teen Ink

The Notebook MAG

By Anonymous

     The Notebook is one of the most touching novels of the past century. It opens with an old man walking into a woman’s room in a retirement home. He begins to read her a story from a notebook about a young couple, Noah Calhoun and Allie Nelson. Noah is trying to put his life back together after World War II and Allie is about to marry a lawyer. There is one problem: all they can think about is each other.

This is a beautiful story of how love can stand the test of time and overcome all obstacles if you believe enough. It is a classic love story with something more. I had butterflies in my stomach as I read it.

This is for anyone who has ever found love. You will laugh and cry with the characters. It is easy to share in their amazing experience; their struggles become yours, and as you read, you begin to know Allie and Noah as if they were good friends.

This is a great read; Sparks knows how to touch your mind and soul. There is true commitment seldom found in modern novels. The characters are well-developed and seem real. Reading this book is like eating chicken soup on a cold day, you can’t help but feel better because it is so touching and true. The Notebook is absolutely fabulous from beginning to end and I recommend it to anyone.


This article has 2 comments.

i love this !

brillent said...
on Dec. 3 2008 at 10:27 pm
i like your review. um....i like the movie better than the book. don't u?