What they found: Love on 145th street by Walter Dean Meyers | Teen Ink

What they found: Love on 145th street by Walter Dean Meyers

November 15, 2009
By Reel17 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Reel17 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Have you every been in love?, have you ever been dumped over a text message? Do you hate your ex? are you still in love with your ex? We go through this in life, this crazy little thing called love in life. In this book you see how all the characters go through the same thing. Whether it's love for a child, breaking up, falling in and out of love, love for your parents and even love for an inanimate object. The characters and their stories are so raw and real you can easily connect with them. Any age, color, sex. This book shows you that love is universal and elastic. The stories are so raw and real you can easily connect with them. A mother telling her daughter how a man should treat you, a grandfather advising his grandson that you should never give up on something you love so dear ( basketball), a couple raising a child for the first time and a soldier falling in love with a fellow officer. If you are in love, just broke up, or coming to terms that you can't live with out your other half. This book is a great book for, and anyone who just loves romance. I recommended this book to anyone who knows what they have found.


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