Peak by Roland Smith | Teen Ink

Peak by Roland Smith

November 6, 2009
By Mark Tyo BRONZE, Wrentham, Massachusetts
Mark Tyo BRONZE, Wrentham, Massachusetts
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“For a climber, saying that you are stopping by Everest is like saying you are saying you are stopping by to see God.”(Roland Smith back cover) This is a quote from the book Peak by Roland Smith. A person who likes adventure books would love this 246 page adventure novel.
In this book, a fourteen year old boy scales a skyscraper in New York City and gets caught by S.W.A.T. and the N.Y.P.D. He has to go to court to decide how long he has to go to the Juvenile Detention Center. Peak gets lucky because his divorced parents talk to the judge and they decide that he can live with his dad in Chang Mai, China for two years instead. When they are on their way, Peak finds out that his dad is bringing him to climb Mount Everest. Peak also find out that the only reason his dad takes him on the trip is so he could get a lot of climbing business if Peak makes it to the top. He will get a lot of business if he is successful because Peak would be the youngest person to make it to the summit, and he gets paid for guiding people to the summit. This would give a lot of people confidence to try to make it to the top.
I would recommend this book because it has a fast moving plot and there are a lot of cliff hangers at the end of chapters. I would rate this book at a nine out of ten because it is well written and full of suspense.


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