My Life On a Plate by India Knight | Teen Ink

My Life On a Plate by India Knight MAG

By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

   If you like humorous, modern novels, My Life On a Platewill be right up your alley. India Knight tells a compelling, funny story whichremains unpredictable.

The main character is a housewife named Clara Hutt,which reminds her of "Jabba the -" and allows her to wallow inself-pity once in a while.

Clara has been married for eight years and hastwo sons. An ideal life? Not quite. After all this time she starts to realize shedoesn't really know the man she's living with. Does he really use the bathroom?What's going on in his mind? And why aren't they more intimate?

Add thisto some dramatic (but often roll-over-funny) girlfriend situations and anattractive dancer, and you've got a page-turner that will leave you confusedabout the institution of marriage but with a snicker on your lips.


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i love this !