One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest | Teen Ink

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest MAG

By Anonymous

   In the classic novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, we follow the lifeof a patient in an insane asylum. The narrator does a fabulous job creating aconvincing world of nurses and lunatics. The book revolves around Randle PatrickMcMurphy, a fun-loving Irishman who will do anything to defy ward regulations.McMurphy rallies patients to overthrow the head of the hospital, Nurse Ratched.McMurphy gambles, promotes riots among patients and smuggles in wine. Thepatients fall in behind him in an all-out war of the wills. When Nurse Ratchedand McMurphy enter this tug of war, only one will survive.

This novel istruly captivating. Many aspects are based on occurrences author Ken Keseywitnessed while working in an insane asylum. The book is extremely well writtenand will keep you thinking about drugs and the imagination long after you put itdown.

Anyone who likes an extremely descriptive book with intriguing keycharacters and a thrilling roller coaster ride will enjoy One Flew Over theCuckoo's Nest. It's not for everyone, for you must have a vast vocabulary to getthrough it successfully.


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i love this !