I Love Being The Enemy | Teen Ink

I Love Being The Enemy MAG

By Anonymous

   I Love Being the Enemy is written by Reggie Miller with Gene Wojciechowski, with a foreword by Spike Lee. It's a journal of Reggie's '94-'95 season with the Indiana Pacers. He talks about everything from a recap of the '94 playoffs, training camp, teammates, opponents, personal life, games, trash talk, and, of course, how much he hates the New York Knicks.

The book is set up like a diary with the date and town he's in. What follows is an account of the day's game and experiences. You'll learn everything from the score to what Reggie really said to John Starks.

Reggie grew up in a very strict family. Since he had two brothers and two sisters, there was much he had to overcome to achieve greatness. I'm sure you had no idea he wore braces on his legs for some of his childhood. Like Forrest Gump. Why? Read the book.

When reading the book, you'll learn there's much more to the game than what you see on TV. For example, most basketball players are very superstitious. At every home game Reggie and some of his teammates dance for the crowd but, if they lose, they will not do that dance. Also, Reggie wears two quarters under his wristband. Want to know why? Read the book.

You'll discover Reggie is very strong-willed and opinionated - from the fact he never gave up on the girl of his dreams, who is now his wife, to the way he talks about the sport and how players are going pro too soon. He also states his feelings on teams and players.

There's something people don't understand about Reggie's relationship with Spike Lee. Sure, they had their problems - yelling from the sidelines and, of course, who can forget the famous choke sign. Now, for just a small price, you can learn how they resolved their problem.

Most people think Reggie's a jerk. Why? Beats me. They've got to understand people are different off the court than on. Actually he's a very nice guy. He'll sign autographs and enjoys being with kids. In fact if he hadn't become a professional basketball player he would have liked to have been a teacher.

Not only is this book jammed full, there are eight pages of photos with captions. They vary from little league, graduation, wedding, family and game highs and lows. I really enjoyed this book - it was the best I ever read! It's well worth your time! .


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i love this !