Darkness Before Dawn by Sharon M. Draper | Teen Ink

Darkness Before Dawn by Sharon M. Draper

February 25, 2010
By lindaethiopia97 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
lindaethiopia97 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Darkness Before Dawn

BY: Sharon M. Draper

“This time he brought out a sliver handed knife. It gleamed with intention in the darkness. I felt its sharp pointed tip at my neck. Silence! Do as I say and you won’t get hurt.” This quote shows how intense Darkness Before Dawn can get. Darkness Before Dawn by Sharon M. Draper, the last book of a trilogy is a must read for all.

Keisha, a senior at Hazelwood high, has been through so much with her friends over the past few years. They’ve been through death and suicide. In addition the suicide was committed by Keisha’s boyfriend Andy. However Keisha is still getting over all that’s happened. She’s looking for a mature man to take care of her, be a gentleman, and help her forget her past. Keisha finds this man, but quickly falls for his false charm. She ends up back in Darkness. Can Keisha survive another tragedy? Well she end up listing to her friends, who over time has become her family? This page turner is filled with suspense, love, blood, tears and gum. Don’t worry gum is important to the ending of this book. Well Keisha ever find love, peace, and happiness?

I love how real this book is. In other words, I loved the author’s writing style. She made their conversations seem so natural. Not every word is grammatically correct. But that’s only natural right. I think that Sharon M. Draper had a very creative and interesting way to discuss a very serious matter. She did a great job showing young adults about false images and love. The only thing I didn’t like is that the book wasn’t longer, maybe she’ll even write another book. I loved everything about this book.

I definitely recommend Darkness Before Dawn for anyone who loves a book they can’t put down, for anyone who would spend the night reading with a flashlight, and for anyone who enjoys a real mystery. You have to a detective figure out who’s not what they seem. Who’s lying and who’s telling the truth. Even if you don’t like mystery or suspense I guarantee you will fall in love with all the characters in this novel. You will feel as if you’re standing with the characters as the story unfolds.

Not only is this a great read but it’s also been a big lesson. This novel shows you what happens when someone is desperate and how they only see the good in a person. Since they are so needing they don’t step back to think about their actions. They become dependent on the false image that has been put in front of them. As that image slowly changes the person doesn’t realize it even if everybody else does. When they realize it it’s too late they notice it when they’re in a life or death situation. Lesson numbers 1 don’t fall for a person’s charm, and, appearance. Good looks can be disusing a serial killer or a murder. Charm could be deceiving. Be careful who you trust. Even though love is wonderful it can also be dangerous. Second lesson this book teaches is that Friendship can overcome any problem. Whether it is big or small, never doubt the power of friendship. True friends stick with you through think or thin and they always want the best for you.

In conclusion Darkness Before Dawn by Sharon M. Draper is a book that all young adults must read. “The seniors cheered, holding their hands together high above our heads. The lights brightened the room again, the orchestra began to play, and the trumpets sounded. And all of us, the senior class, clutched our diplomas, left the shadows of the past behind us, and marched proudly out of the auditorium into the dawn of our tomorrows.” Darkness before Dawn is a great book that well have you thinking about its strong message long after you’ve read it.

BY: Linda Mindaye

The author's comments:
Hope this make you want to read the book


This article has 2 comments.

johnhtoo said...
on Jan. 16 2015 at 1:38 pm
very good book , friendship is the most important of all in this book

Cami435 said...
on Nov. 4 2014 at 12:23 pm
I am currently reading this book and it is great I just don't wanna put it down I like the first 2 but this is my favorite I know something is up with Jonathen cause of Rita and way to suspicious I like Leon even though the thing on his wall was a little creepy anyway I recommend u read these books trust me it's worth your time