The Melting of Meggie Bean by Tricia Bayburn | Teen Ink

The Melting of Meggie Bean by Tricia Bayburn

March 4, 2010
By Katrina a BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
Katrina a BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book is a book that, I think, any girl would like. This book is by Tricia Bayburn. It is a book about a girl named Meggie Bean, If you haven’t noticed.

Well! Meggie Bean is an average teenage girl. But not so much in size as the author says. She is self-conscious about her weight. Although she never knows when to stop eating chocolate. She loves chocolate like she would go crazy without one piece every day. so after she tries to control it a little, she try new thing. She try out for new sports and gets involved with different things.

She try out for quite a few things. Such as she try out for a awesome swim team that everyone wants to be on. She try to stop eating chocolate and lose tons of weight. She really achieves when she loses weight. Also the boy that she has had an eye for is really starting to notice her.

Well, I wont spoil it for you because you should really read this book. If you are the type of girl that like to try new things, well I think you found the next book you should read.

Even if you don't like to try new things, well, you are still in luck. guess what it is also about new adventures. This book is also about accepting who you are, and not giving up on things so easily. Well I really loved this book and I hope you do to if you read it!!!!


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