Halloween Party | Teen Ink

Halloween Party MAG

By Anonymous

   In the book Halloween Party, by R. L. Stine, a mystery begins to evolve when the new girl in school, Justine, hands out invitations to her Halloween party. The party will be held in her new home, a house known to the town to be haunted. Long ago, the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, were killed in a car accident that resulted from the reckless driving of a group of teenagers. No one has lived in the house since then, until now. Only nine people are invited to this party and none of them are friends. They all wonder why they have been asked to attend.

At the party, everyone has a great time until strange things start to happen. The phone lines are cut; the tires to their cars slashed. One person, Les, is even found dead. Was it an accident? Or was there a murderer at the party? Why does Justine insist that they continue the party as if nothing were wrong?

These questions are soon answered. Justine traps them inside a room and tells them the reason for their being there. She is really Enid Cameron, daughter of the couple killed many years ago. They are the children of the teenagers who had killed her parents. Now, she wants revenge. They will pay for what their parents did, she thinks, as she lights the room on fire. Will they escape, be rescued, or left to die? n


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i love this !