The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks

April 14, 2010
By Shannon Giles BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
Shannon Giles BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks begins with former U.S. marine, Logan Thibault, walking hundreds of miles in search of thanking his lucky charm with no companion, but his loyal German Shepard, Zeus. While on duty in Iraq, Logan discovers a photo of a beautiful, smiling young woman on the ground, and puts it up in lost and found. After weeks of no one claiming the photo, Logan decides to keep it in his pocket from that moment on. Soon, the soldier begins winning poker games, and suviving situations that he may not have without the sudden streak of luck. Logan's best friend Victor tells him that this girl in the photograph is his lucky charm, and he needs to find a way to thank her.
So with that in mind, Logan sets off across the country, not really knowing what to expect, or an exact destination. Once encountering her in North Carolina, Logan and Beth, the beautiful single mom in the photo seem to both be caught off guard with love at first sight. Thibault secures himself a job, working at the dog kennel for Beth's grandmother, and begins getting closer and closer with Beth. Logan keeps the photo of her in his pocket a secret, which starts to become more of a threat as they start learning more about each other.
This was an amazing and suspenseful book as you are taken through the point of view of three different characters. This book makes you think, as the whole time you are asking yourself what would happen if Beth knew Thibault had been carrying a picture of her for years?
I would recommend this book to everyone because it is a thrilling and suspenseful book that you cant put down! It also has an original and unique plot, and not like the other novels I have read about love interests.


This article has 1 comment.

aj123 said...
on Oct. 27 2011 at 1:26 pm
This was a really well writen review I really liked how you decribed the book with out giving to much away.