Pretties by Scott Westerfeld | Teen Ink

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

February 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Ever wondered about the future? How the people would interact, look and what they would do? If so, read the Pretties by Scott Westerfeld! This is a thrilling book about the future and what it truly means to be pretty. This book of Sci-fi and adventure is about a girl named Tally who becomes a Pretty but only to save the Smoke. Zane, her newest friend, and boyfriend helps Tally save and restart the Smoke. Shay, her best friend leaves Tally and starts a pack of Pretty called the Cutters. Shay and Zane are captured and a cuff was placed on their wrists to track every move they make. After getting the cuffs off, they leave the city limits. Tally finds a group of strange human beings, who seem to be cut off from the world. Later, she
8878 finds out that they are apart of an experiment for new group of Pretties. She is furious and destroys the camp. Later, she ran away and met up with Zane and her other Pretty friends. She meets up with Dr. Cable, a special, and tells Tally that she herself has the potential to be a special. At the end of the book, Tally made the decision to be a Special. Personally, I loved this book! It was girly enough for me, but also had a smidge of science-fiction which helped me stay educated. Read this book if you are looking for a girlie book with a hint of Sci-fi, you will love it!


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