The Watsons go to Birmingham –1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis | Teen Ink

The Watsons go to Birmingham –1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis

June 14, 2010
By Anonymous

Imagine yourself with the whole family in a car driving to who knows where and you don’t want to go but when you say all this cool stuff like the water parks, the farm, the woods you thinking about how much fun are you real going to have. That what happen to the Watsons kids they saws all this cool stuff they never saw before. This summer is the summer that they will never forget.

The mom wants to go to road trip with the family but the kids just want to stay home for the summer. But when the kids see all the cool stuff they realize that it is going to be fun summer with mom and dad. some of the thing. They see and do are going to a picnic and talking about how they feel about each other and the water parks and have family time together
And not fighting.

The Watsons kids are very interesting because they real don’t want to go to the trip but then when they see this entire cool stuff they started to like it. For example, they went to a water park and they want to go on because they have never seen it in their whole life. They want to go on it and they had a lot of fun they will never forget it
The writing style is very good because some of the chapters are about the kid’s problems and how they help each other solve them.

The character I connection the most is jota because is a little tom-boy and act like she is one of the boys she is just like me when I’m in school I act like a girls girl but when I’m home I act like a tom boy because of my cousins.

The theme of the story is that you should have fun with your family because when you get older you don’t spend as much as when you were little.
This book is for people who like to travel a lot and go to new places with their family and friends. This book is appropriate for kids who are 9 to 14 because it sends a good message to kids everywhere.
I recommendation this book for ages 9 to 14 because you have to understand it more because if you don’t you will get confused.


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 17 2010 at 7:44 am
ThisBreRulezYouSonnn BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all--
Into each life some rain must fall,
some days must be dark and dreary.
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

... sounds like you have the wrong book... The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 is about a young African-American named Kenneth Watson that, with his family, drives from Flint, Michigan to Birmingham, Alabama to take his troublesome, older brother to his Grandmother's during the boiling point of racism that would lead to the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. I remember a few lakes, God's beard, and some mountains, but not a water park... O.o