Mississippi Trial by Chris Crowe | Teen Ink

Mississippi Trial by Chris Crowe

November 13, 2010
By evore SILVER, KC,MO, Kansas
evore SILVER, KC,MO, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Dear reader,

In Mississippi trial by Chris Crowe I learned that segregation lasted longer than Lincoln wanted it to. Jim Crow was a white man who painted his face black so he would look black and danced around a stage along with singing a demeaning song. However this whimsical performance soon took on a darker air. It became the face of segregation and he became the reason for many lynchings around the US. There were many states that support Jim Crow for example, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. Of the many laws he represented some of them where, No inter color marriage separation of theatres, schools, hospitals, and railroad cars. All of these rules would be minimized if a white was involved.

In this book the character Hiram moves to Tempe Arizona where segregation is not so prominent. Finally after years of fighting Hiram is allowed to spend one summer with his grandfather. Once he gets there he realizes that this isn’t the place he remembers his sheltered life has not prepared him for this kind of hate. When he crosses paths with a Negro boy, who soon becomes the focus of the nation, he starts to understand his father and some of his friends more.

This is my idea of how the south used to look and still resembles today. But in this book your eyes get opened to more than you ever knew about your history. Hiram learns a important lesson but at the same time you learn a different one.


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