The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill | Teen Ink

The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill

January 7, 2011
By Anonymous

The Pushcart War
Author: Jean Merrill
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Maxi the king of pushcarts takes over a down town store in New York after the death of his father dies of a tragedy. Maxi has pushcart peddlers that work for him and are always coming in for repairs because huge trucks smash the pushcarts into pieces but truckers also send the peddlers to the hospital because of how bad they got hurt. Maxi finally figures out that the trucks had declared war on them because they absolutely hate them and always get in the way.

The Pushcart War uses the theme of hate throughout the whole book. After this “war” had been going on for nearly two weeks Maxi finally calls in all his peddlers to his shop to tell them that they can’t be taking this kind of damage anymore and we will fight back. Instantly with a new weapon the pushcart peddlers had developed called a pea tack trucks start to get flat tires and the huge trucking businesses start to go down and eventually go out of businesses because of the lack of transportation and how many flat tires they get a day (35). Soon the police start to arrest people right off the street because they seem to look very suspicious and mainly all the people were pushcart peddlers. As the reader flips the pages, the trucking companies will loose their minds and want to get their revenge on Maxi because the trucking businesses are the only people who know what he is up too.

The Pushcart War relates to Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets because it focuses on a different topic each time in different chapters, and will leave the reader confused at times. This book was childish and overall not a good book and this book should not be recommended to anybody!

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