The BFG by Roald dahl | Teen Ink

The BFG by Roald dahl

January 13, 2011
By Austin Travis BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Austin Travis BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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The BFG, by Roald Dahl is about a girl named Sofie, who one day looks out her window and sees a giant. When the giant sees Sofie, he snatches her up and takes her to his far away land where all the giants live. While she is in the land of the giants, she learns about all the other giants and The BFG. While Sofie is in the land of the giant a lot of things happen to her, like she gets eaten by a giant but she gets spit out, learns about how the giant can mix and captures dreams, and learns about how humans taste.

This book was a very fun book to read and it kept my interest with its good story, and fun words. This book is in third person point of view view because this book has a narrator. The giant says things like “Me” shouted the giant... “I is a nice jumbly giant.” There is some conflict when the BFG says Sofie cannot return to her homeland because Sofie knows about the giant. I would recommend this book to people who like fun books that have lots of adventure and a good ending. You want to know how good the book is well you have to read the book to find out for yourself.


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