Tricksters Choice by Tamora Pierce | Teen Ink

Tricksters Choice by Tamora Pierce

January 14, 2011
By sydney cicero BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
sydney cicero BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book review

When I first started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down. I read for 3 hours without noticing. This shows how awesome this book is. Tricksters Choice, by Tamora Pierce, is super Awesome, and one of the best books I’ve ever read, and I think everyone on the planet should read it.

In this book, Alianne- known as Aly- daughter of Alanna the lioness, and George cooper, second in command of tortalls spies, attempts to leave her home in pirates swoop to give her parents some space. On a solo boat ride, she gets captured by pirates and is made a slave. After no one bids on her in the slave markets, she is given away to the Balitang house. The family is exiled, and don’t have enough room to bring the whole household. They are convinced by Mithros ( Who is really Kyprioth pretending to be Mithros…both those people are gods) to bring Aly with them. Aly makes a deal with Kyprioth, that if she keeps the family alive over the summer, she would be sent home by kyprioth himself. Will Aly ever get home? Will she ever see her family again? To find out you must read Tricksters Choice.

Tamora pierce has the same writing style for all her books. The main characters point of view. I wish she would put other characters points of view into the book…you really want to see what the other characters are thinking throughout the book. This part of her writing style is probably the only disappointing part of the book. A positive point about the writing style is that sometimes it shows what’s going on somewhere else with other people, and it really helps you see the whole picture. For example, when the god brings her to see what her parents are doing, and when the darkings tell her, or show her things happening in the castle.

I believe the main theme of this book, was how hard work gets you places. For example, the book show this when Aly finally gets into the raka conspiracy against the crown, after many failed attempts. It shows this again, when the Balitangs get rid of her slave collar and hire her as a maid and goatherd. Aly is an extremely hard worker, and stops at nothing to get where she wants to be. She shows this throughout the book, in many places, which is why I believe this is the theme of the book.

Tamora pierce is a great author, and I would recommend any of her books, especially this one, to anyone who likes fantasy books that take place in med evil times. I would recommend this book because the story keeps your attention, and keeps you interested. If I could rate this book, I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. It’s a really good book and you should read it.

In conclusion, this book is awesome. Its one of the best books in the world. Once you start, you don’t want to put it down, you just want to keep going. You and everyone else in the world, should read tricksters choice.


This article has 2 comments.

big mama said...
on Jan. 18 2011 at 8:38 pm

This is a great article, I want to buy the book for my daughter.

Thanks for sharing

on Jan. 18 2011 at 8:33 pm
this article is super awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i <3 it!