Eyes Of The Emperor by Graham Salisbury | Teen Ink

Eyes Of The Emperor by Graham Salisbury

March 6, 2008
By Anonymous

The year is 1941, in two days Pearl Harbor will be attacked. nobody knows except for the Japanese themselves. All is peaceful, at least for a while.

At this time, Eddy Okubo joins the United States Army in Honolulu. Eddy's dad is very disgraced because he once fought for the Japanese and seeing his son fight for a country he disliked made Eddy fell shameful. Soon after Eddy enlists Pearl Harbor is bombed and suddenly his fellow Americans begin to distrust Eddy and all soldiers of Japanese ancestry.
I recommend this book to people who like historical fiction books and action scenes. This book is the second version to the book "Under The Blood Red Sun" which won an award. The two books have different characters but are both about Pearl Harbor.

My opinion one this book would have to be that it is a very good book and has a lot of descriptive scenes. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give this book an 8.

So in conclusion "Eyes Of The Emperor" is a very great read and is an interesting book. With great detail and cool characters. A tragic story of one of America's saddest stories. If I loved it, then you'll love it too.


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