Nothing But the Truth by AVI | Teen Ink

Nothing But the Truth by AVI

May 7, 2008
By Anonymous

My name is Philp Malloy and I really, really, I mean really don't like my homeroom teacher. My name is not really Philip Malloy; it's Colton Allen, and that's Nothing But The Truth. The reason Philip doesn't like his homeroom teacher is because she suspended him for two days!

I bet you would like to know why he got suspended. I'm not going to give it away. I'll just say he breaks one stupid little rule, twice! The media catches on to it, and his suspension for two days goes all around the nation. I mean it got huge with people siding with the teacher or siding with Philip.

I think this book is for people who like comedy, drama, and an all around
good story. The author of this book (written as a documentary novel) is AVI. I strongly recommend this book as I was very entertained.


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