The Maze of Bones by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Maze of Bones by Rick Riordan

July 18, 2011
By Adi12345 PLATINUM, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey
Adi12345 PLATINUM, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey
36 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Already an award-winner for writing adult mysteries, Rick Riordan was inspired to write children’s novels by his son, who suffered from ADHD. Daily, he told his son mythical stories. One day, his son suggested that Riordan published the magnificent stories he was told. Once he started publishing these stories, Rick Riordan’s career for children’s novels had taken off.

Later on, Rick Riordan presented yet another thriller! Join the adventure in The Maze of Bones, first book of the 39 Clues series. This 220 page story is quite ironic, adventure-filled, and suspenseful. You will definitely find a twist around every corner. Start reading, and your eyes will be glued to the book. The adventure started with the death of Grace Cahill, Amy and Dan’s grandmother.

When Grace Cahill died, Amy and Dan visited her funeral. There, a special group of chosen relatives of Grace Cahill were given a choice: take a million dollars each, or to get the first clue of a challenge that could make them the most powerful beings of Earth.

Previously, Amy and Dan lived with an au pair, Nellie, who accompanied them in an apartment Grace Cahill’s sister so “generously” provided them. She abetted Amy and Dan’s decision by saying,
“I fully intend to take my million dollars, and you will do the same. Never fear, I’ll put it in an account for you until you’re adults. I’ll only spend the interest. In return, I will allow you to continue as my wards.” (Riordan 28)

What would you have done? If you were Dan and Amy, you’re taking the challenge, and burning up two million dollars. In return, you would receive a 10 word clue. That, exactly, is where the story begins.

Not long after Dan and Amy had taken the challenge, they had found a lead towards the next clue. In a few minutes, though, they narrowly escaped a fire someone set to attempt to kill them, but the lead was stolen.

Cahills seemed to rather fight each other for clues, “as [Alistair Oh’s] cracked rib and black eyes [testified],” (Riordan 165). This attitude further intensifies this already action-packed story.

They needed to travel around the world, so they tried to make as much money as they could. The kids sold all their unnecessary belongings, and persuaded Nellie to accompany them to France, where the first clue led them.

Going through museums and libraries, restaurants and hotels, Amy and Dan soon became bankrupt. That’s where Nellie chipped in. Ultimately, when they Dan and Amy spilled the beans, the amicable au pair offered to lend them money from her credit card.

Amy and Dan have everything they need; sheer cleverness, the ability to wriggle out of tight holes, a chaperone, and a decent amount of money. Is it enough to surge ahead of the others? Or will the adversaries, who are ready to kill, smash the trio into pieces? Read the ironic, addicting, and adventure-filled book, The Maze of the Bones, to find out!


This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 22 2011 at 4:31 am
Noni3280 BRONZE, Warrnambool, Other
3 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take each day as it comes.

I've been told this series is really good. I've also been told that the first book is the biggest one and its pretty small. But for those who are light readers, i think it would be awesome!

inspired bug said...
on Jul. 20 2011 at 5:34 pm

This is complicated reading. Makes me think the book will be the same.