Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli | Teen Ink

Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

March 13, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Love, Stargirl by “Jerry Spinelli” Is a continuance by his other book Stargirl. Stargirl the girl in the book is home schooled and gave her self her name. She just moved away from her ex boyfriend. So basically the book in her eyes is the longest letter ever to her ex boyfriend. When she moves she meets a new boy. He is a bad boy in the town. Through out the book Stargirl is planting her own calendar. Up until the last few chapters everything starts to change drastically.

Stargirl is very interesting. She's not like every other teenage girl. She never wears make up and doesn't care what other people think about her. Which I think is a good thing because it puts a twist on the book. Also she has a pet rat cinnamon. That's also very different for girl to have for a pet. In Love, Stargirl, Stargirls best friend is a 6 year old. Her name is Dootsie. Stargirl and Dootsie spend almost the majority of the book together.

This book is different from the ones I usually read. I like to read books that relate to my life. Love, Stargirl isn't really a book that I would read. But from the look of the cover, it dragged me in. I just couldn't stop reading. It was just so interesting that I didn't want to take my eyes off the page. Love, Stargirl really made it clear to me that you just always need to be your self. Don't let anything get in your way.

Even though I say I really do love this book. There were some parts that weren't really bringing me in. Some chapters would get a little boring at time. It would go from a fascinating conversation with someone. Then go to a part where she was writing her ex boyfriend. Most of those parts seemed dull. I would say that “Jerry Spinelli” did a excellent job on Love, Stargirl. But I would also have to say on some parts he could spice it up a little. Make it a little more interesting for a different age group. Older kids might not get so into it if there are boring spaces.

Love, Stargirl was a great book. I would say that any person from the ages from 12-15 should read. It's a great way to learn about other ways to be your self. That don't always try and fallow the crowd you see coming. All “Jerry Spinelli's” books are wonderful. Love, Stargirl just blew it away.


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