Lovers Catch in High School by Kate William | Teen Ink

Lovers Catch in High School by Kate William

April 7, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

One time the girl was new in high school. She was in high school for 3 months then another boy came to that school he is in the same class as the girl is, so they actually fall in love well, the girl fell in love, but the boy didn't.

In the book, since the boy didn't like the girl, she decided to change some things about herself. She changes the way she dresses; she was always around him so he could notice her even more. Most of all, she flirts with him. Soon he starts to like her. And then, he asks her out. She said yes, of course. Then, one afternoon in school, they were caught smooching, and the boy is taken out of school. The girl is heartbroken! He was her first boyfriend and now, he is gone.

I did not like that part of the story because the boy did not like the girl as much as she liked him. People should give sacrifices for others. If the boy didn't like her, he should have just told her. And that is what real life lovers should do.
I like the book because it showed me what people will do just to get boys. I also like the book because it is a love story about two lovebirds. I think the story was absolutely great, and I think people should buy and read the book because the author wrote the book very well for teenagers. It is very good and interesting.


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