Baseball Great by Tim Green | Teen Ink

Baseball Great by Tim Green

October 4, 2011
By Gmoney12 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
Gmoney12 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Baseball Great
By: Tim Green

Want to find an action packed and a fun baseball novel? Well, this book “Baseball Great” by Tim Green is a good one. Josh is trying to become a better ball player than his father. Josh’s Dad only got into the minor leagues. He’s got the skill, but will he us it wisely?

This is the first book out of three of his series. This contains action, drama, and a little romance. This book takes place around our time today. Josh is the best baseball player in his school. His dad made him play for a team named “Titans”. Everybody on the team is big and strong. The coach is telling the kids to take something that might not be good for you. Josh and Jaden start to do some research on it. The research could be good or it could be bad. This book is about 250 pages long and you can read this book in about 4 to 5 days. It’s one of the
best fiction books I have ever read. A weakness is it kind of starts out slow. But when you get farther into it the action will attack you. On a rate to 1 to 10, I would give it a 9. Benji is my favorite character. Benji is a humorous guy that is very cocky.

This book reminds me of “The Big Field” by Mike Lupica. Both books have young kids trying to get scouts, so one day they could make it into the big leagues. Both kids are stars are their team and make it into the newspaper. Both boys are the stars of their team. This is the best baseball book ever written.

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