Monster by Walter Dean Myers | Teen Ink

Monster by Walter Dean Myers

November 3, 2011
By Anonymous


Written in script form, and accompanied with pictures, this book isn’t your everyday read.

In Walter Dean Myers Monster, Steve Harmon is a black teenage boy in Harlem. When he gets framed to be in a hold up and murder by his “friends”, he goes to prison. He writes a movie script about his experience through it all.

Reading a suspenseful book in movie script was a good way to really show the characters raw true feelings through different events. The plot is captivating with its realistic base and people. I found myself feeling the same tension in the court room scenes, the same sorrow that Steve felt when he was crying in his cell, and the same nervous feeling that they all had before they were given their sentence. I enjoyed the writing style but many might not, because it’s a very different type of book.
This book isn’t for all ages; it includes some violence and drug reference. Setting aside the age limitation it is a great book and should be read by anyone looking for a realistic fiction written in a unique form.

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