Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

November 4, 2011
By JackB BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
JackB BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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Catching Fire
By Suzanne Collins, Scholastic Press, 2009, 400 pp., $11.90
ISBN 1407109367

“… The girl that was on fire” is what Katniss Everdeen was called after her victory at the hunger games

In Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins the main character Katniss Everdeen has just achieved a great victory: Winning the hunger games, which is basically an arena of wilderness, where you have to survive, and murder the other tributes from the other 12 districts. But she faces a new threat, something she did during the Hunger Games was an act of rebellion to the capitol. Katnis did not mean it to be an act of rebellion, but that’s how the capitol saw it. Now the match has been lit and it has grown to a full blown inferno of rebellion and riots. She has to decide whether to run away from the districts or fight against them and protect her friends and family. But she will see this is not the only trouble she has. The next Hunger Games is the quarter quell which is a special version of the Hunger Games that happens every 25 years, and it will be nothing like any other has been.

I would recommend this book for people the ages 12-16 or older. To find out the rest of this great book, you’ll have to read the series! The hunger games is a great series with plenty of action and suspense. I hope you read this book and all of the other ones, and I also hope you enjoy them!


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