Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow | Teen Ink

Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow

November 8, 2011
By Cole LaFonte BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Cole LaFonte BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Defying Criticism

Through My Eyes is an inspirational novel about a boy who succeeds when others thought he would fail. Written from his perspective, Tim Tebow tells the reader his compelling story from as he lived it. Tim achieves the unlikely, right from birth, when the doctor said Tim wouldn’t make through his mother’s pregnancy. Yet he lived and has been proving people wrong ever since. The book starts with the story of his near death at birth and his travels through life until he was drafted into the NFL. Tim Tebow had a very unique childhood and was not your average child. He was constantly exercising, schooling, farming, and expanding his knowledge of God. Also, since Tim was homeschooled, he was able to choose which high school he played football for which helped him become an elite high school and college quarterback. It is a truly inspirational book when you look at the determination and faith that Tim has, even at such a young age. These traits have helped Tim defy fallacies about his football skills and led him to win multiple awards, establish charities, and preach God’s words throughout his career.

Tim also proves that he excels academically by writing this book himself. However, because he wrote this book from his perspective everything I the book is extremely biased. “Honesty, Auburn didn’t seem like a particularly good teamin 2007.” This is just one of many examples of his subjectivity. Also, Tebow chose to write the story in chronological order. This helps the reader see things how and when they happened.

Many inspiring and compelling aspects of the story seemed to be offset at points by less interesting details and repetition. The story of his childhood and experiences in college were written in an interesting way that captivated the reader. Yet, the many football games and workouts in Tim’s career became very repetitive and made it difficult to turn the next page.

Though bland at times, football fans, athletes, and Christians alike would appreciate and enjoy reading Tim’s inspiring story. The achievements Tim made are unbelievable and make a book that intrigues the reader. With the help of co-author Nathan Whitaker, he has told the true story of Tim Tebow to further persuade those who aspire to do things that others thought they could never do.


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 8 2011 at 3:36 pm
Charlie1 SILVER, Saguache, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i must confess i feel like a monster" "your mother"

wow thats like one thing i didnt no about Tim Tebow :( makes me sad bc i am like his biggest fan well this a really good piece!