the maze runner by james dashner | Teen Ink

the maze runner by james dashner

November 9, 2011
By alexcorrynn BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
alexcorrynn BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Maze Runner
James Dashner’s progressively suspenseful plot and action packed climax will have you addicted to the mind bending conflict and wondering if there really is a way out in The Maze Runner.
Could you imagine being stuck in the middle of a maze, with about 50 other teenagers, having to care for yourself without any parental guidance? What would you think if you arrived in a metal box with your memory wiped and to adjust to a life where the laws of physics don’t even make sense anymore? Well when Thomas arrives at the glade it is nearly indescribable to put into words how he feels, lost, confused, terrified and on top of all that, not having any clue who you are, who your family is, or your life before you got to the glade.
All of those variables are what pulled me in and made me never want to put this book down. This sci-fi world and unbelievable creatures will have yours eyes glued to the pages wondering will they ever find the way out?


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