Passion by Lauren Kate | Teen Ink

Passion by Lauren Kate

February 5, 2012
By gabby0311 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
gabby0311 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Passion is the third book in the Fallen series. It is written so vividly and wonderfully that you are glued to the book within the first chapter. Lauren Kate does an awesome job at making you feel what Luce and Daniel feel. It’s amazing!

As Luce goes on a journey through the announcers/shadows trying to figure out her and Daniel’s curse and past, she starts to figure out how priceless their love is. She also makes a new friend along the way to help her travel through the past. At first, Luce is confused and doesn’t know what to do and where to go. Her confusion lessens when she meets Bill, a gargoyle, who helps her travel through the past and gets the information she needs. Along the way she meets her and Daniel’s past lives and their loved ones. Just as she starts to figure things out and get the hang of things, she learns something about Bill that might put her lives with Daniel in danger of existing.

Throughout the whole book you feel bad for Luce, because she is confused, lost, and missing Daniel immensely. But don’t worry, because she meets past Daniels and falls in love with them just like her present Daniel. Not only is Daniel chasing her, but all of the fallen angels, Shelby, and Miles are too. They are all worrying about her too. Will they find her and save her?

Lauren Kate is a fabulous author and makes you anxious for more of the Fallen series. The series is ridiculously addicting. I finished this 420-page beast in 4 days. I couldn’t stop reading. Kate does an excellent job at getting your attention throughout the book. I give this book a 4.5 star rating! It is amazing. I can’t wait to read Rapture, the fourth book in the series.


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