The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

March 9, 2012
By SaM:) GOLD, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
SaM:) GOLD, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
10 articles 0 photos 8 comments

The Last Song is a wonderful story by Nicholas Sparks about 2nd chances and learning to forgive and forget. I read this book, and then watched the movie. I thought it would end up being one of those books you read, and then after seeing the movie you’re just upset because nothing was the same. Surprisingly with this book, it was all kept the same.

The Last Song is about Veronica Miller, known as Ronnie, who has to go to Wilmington North Carolina for the summer with her brother to stay with her father. Ronnie’s dad was a former concert pianist and teacher, but is currently working on a stain glass window for his local church. Her parents three years ago got a divorce. Ronnie being a teenager still holds that anger and grief towards her father, so when her mom decides her and brother must go to North Carolina she is devastated. This summer turns Ronnie’s whole world upside down by finding new interests and goals for herself she never knew she would want.

The main character in this story as previously stated is Veronica “Ronnie” Miller. She is 17 years old and has the piano playing skill level as high as the opportunity for a Julliard scholarship. Ronnie’s brother who travels to North Carolina with her is Jonah. Jonah is very loving and caring. Will, is the boy Ronnie falls in love with over that one summer; the boy who changes her life forever.

Nicholas Sparks has 16 published novels, The Last Song, being the 14th published. I love his way with words and his writing style. I feel as though Nicholas Sparks had his heart broken, because all of his stories are about loves that are taken away and only sometimes given back. 6 of his published books have been made into movies. Those movies are Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, Nights in Rodanthe and Dear John. I would most definitely consider Nicholas Sparks as my favorite author.

There is not a thing that I would change about the Last Song. I loved the characters personalities, the setting, and more than anything loved the plot. This book spoke out to me. The situations and conflicts that occurred were so easy to relate to you almost felt as though you were reading a diary. I love the way Spark’s puts that personal effect in his novels.

The Last song was my favorite novel written by Nicholas Sparks, the characters were pure and innocent, and the plot was flawless. Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good love story with a family twist in it.


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on Mar. 26 2012 at 7:45 am
PRDGirl94 SILVER, NY, New York
5 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
tear are to pain world for a brocken heart to speack ( unknow writer)

I have watch the viedo and let to read the book. Now i want to read the book :)