Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer | Teen Ink

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

July 31, 2012
By RyanWS BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
RyanWS BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

After reading "Into the Wild", I thought this book, unfortunately wasn't worth my time. I tried this book because I thought maybe there would be a lot of excitement or suspense. As you can tell I'm mainly into fiction. Don't get me wrong, there was some excitement in this book, but it's not the kind you expect. And when the author starts out in the beginning of the book with Chris' death and how he died, you don't really look at it the same way as a normal book that shows that at the end only.
I thought the main character spoken about in the story, Christopher McCandless, was an arrogant, crazy, and a complete fool. He was not even close to being prepared for the journey that he took, and I think that he should of taken more time with his "adventure", instead of jumping right in with not much to live on. I absolutely HATED how Chris treated his parents, they were just trying to help! And how he wouldn't write letters or anything back to them, after they told him how much they loved and cared about him!
I enjoyed the book, only because it's taught me a few things to think about, and it's made me think some of my decisions that I make in like more thoroughly. I also liked when the author compared his life to Chris', because it shows how risky it is to go out there and do things like what they both did, and some people like to take risks and live with danger, but I for one am not that kind of person.
If I had to rate this book, I would give it two and a half stars out of ten, because although I enjoyed it a bit, i'm just not into these sorts of books. I just very much disliked Chris and the way he handled things. He acted like a thief, but rather than stealing money, goods, etc. He makes you feel for him, and then a little while later runs off and gets himself killed. I The author did a good job with it, but it wasn't my cup of tea. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in it, at or above the age of 15 at least, because there are many intelligent and long words, some of which I didn't even understand! It's something to read when you have nothing else to do, so check it out sometime!

The author's comments:
What I hope from people to get from this is that some people do stupid things. And what Christopher McCandless and many others have done are a "Don't try this at home" Kind of thing.


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 19 2012 at 2:01 pm
Heatherose BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I am sorry you didnt like the book, but you did a very good job at explaining what you didnt like about it and parts that you did like about it.