A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks

September 26, 2012
By Karina Herrera BRONZE, Nipomo, California
Karina Herrera BRONZE, Nipomo, California
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A walk to Remember
A walk to Remember, written by Nicholas Sparks tells the story tells the life of Jamie, and Landon. Jamie is an innocent girl who always is helping in her community. On the other hand, Landon is a rebel is constantly getting into trouble. Jamie isn’t the kind of person that Landon would ever be caught talking to, because she doesn’t fit into his clique of the popular. When Landon is forced to talk to her, he sees the encounter as nothing more but meeting a new person. After spending more time with her, he soon comes to realization that he is falling in love with her. Despite what his friends say, he is convinced that he is in love with Jamie and is willing to risk his reputation just to be with her. Jamie’s father isn’t too thrilled about Landon’s feelings toward Jamie, because he knows about Landon’s bad reputation. Landon is convinced to prove to Jamie’s dad that he isn’t the same guy he used to be. Jamie doesn’t want Landon to be in love with her, because she knows that she has a bad health and doesn’t want him to get too attached to her. Landon doesn’t care what Jamie says and continues to have feelings for her. This story shows what love does to someone. Love makes someone weak and it makes people go through obstacles just to be with the one they love. If you love romance novels, you will love this book. The compassion that Landon feels for Jamie is a true definition of what love is.


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