Matilda Bone by Caren Cushman | Teen Ink

Matilda Bone by Caren Cushman

December 19, 2012
By Angel Allen BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
Angel Allen BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Matilda Bone
In the book Matilda Bone, an orphan named Matilda Bone, a 13 year old girl lived in a manor were she was well educated by Father Leufredus. When he got sent away to Europe for a job he abandoned Matilda to be an assistant to a bonesetter in return for food and shelter; Matilda had to cook the meals, attend the fire, and assist Red Peg. Red Peg has her hands full with Matilda bragging about how she can read and write, but at times Red Peg lets Matilda teach her. Matilda prays for help, and deliverance. The saints and this child know many, respond with humor and sometimes sound advice. She said that Father Leufredus has taught her well, and Matilda doesn’t have any thoughts of her own only what Father Leufredus has taught her. She holds herself back from making friends, which makes her feel more and more alone, but when a kitchen maid introduces her to the market square her world begins to change. She goes from being a nincompoop in a minor with barely anyone to talk to, then grows in a small English valley and sees that she can actually make friends.


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