Hoop Dreams by Ben Joravsky | Teen Ink

Hoop Dreams by Ben Joravsky

January 8, 2013
By Anonymous

The book hoop dreams is about two boys pushing each other to achieve their dream of making to the NBA.
The book is telling a story about two boys William Gates and Arthur Agee in a journey to accomplishing their dream. William dreams about when and how he is going to make it to the NBA. Arthur dreams about the day he makes it, he says when he makes it he is going to buy his mom a house and buy his dad a car. My opinion of this book is its amazing I also saw the movie and book and movie explains how much hard work you have to put in to achieve your goals in life.
I think making and publishing this book was a great idea. To me the author achieved his purpose by finding young teens who are trying to make their dreams come true and also making the book inspiring, effective, powerful, touching to athletes. I would recommend this book to any or coming up athlete because it about two real boys not actors and explains some work and pain and obstacles it will take to finish your dream.
My thoughts for hoop dreams is great because I can make a text-to-self, because right now I am going through the work and pain to get to where William and Arthur went after middle school.

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