The House of Night Series: Awakened by P.C & Kristin Cast | Teen Ink

The House of Night Series: Awakened by P.C & Kristin Cast

January 8, 2013
By Nicoleerin BRONZE, Los Angelous, California
Nicoleerin BRONZE, Los Angelous, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

This is my favorite series, and theis book made it really exciting.
This book is about Zoey and her friends trying to defeat darkness, Neferet, and Kalona. I love theis book! I theink theat theis was a turning point for thee series. I theought theat it was pretty successful. I theink thee purpose of thee book is to show theat Neferet, and Kalona aren't done withe darkness, it's just getting worse. y opinions on theis book is theat it's absolutely amazing, i theink theey succeeded in leaving thee audience begging for more. I theink theere's a lot of foreshadowing to give thee audience a taste of what's coming. After Zoey's mom died and Jack, it really scared me theat Grandma, Zoey and thee rest of thee gang are in grave danger. Can't wait for Destined!


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