Million-Dollar Throw by Mike Lupica | Teen Ink

Million-Dollar Throw by Mike Lupica

January 8, 2013
By Khalid Hunter BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Khalid Hunter BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Million-Dollar Throw is an exciting, captivating, and dramatic book! It has lots of sports action and will leave you wanting more.

Million-Dollar Throw is a book about a 13 year old boy named Nate Brodie. His hero is Tom Brady and that seems to be his nickname when he plays quarterback for his football team, Valley. His family is struggling to pay their bills and Nate Brodie has just won chance to win a million dollars at halftime, at a Patriots game…the only thing I he has one throw to do it. What makes the situation worse is that he is having trouble completing a pass and he’s worried about his bestfriend Abbie going blind. If you ask me, that’s an immense amount of pressure for a 13 year old boy…will Nate Brodie make what will be the most important throw of his life…!
I love this book because it shows people that, no matter what you may be going through, if you keep your head in the game and work very hard you can overcome anything. If I could I would only have one thing to say to Mike Lupica…… “Well done”!

The author's comments:
its a wonderful book and can teach you many lessons you might need in life


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