Crazy Love by Amir Abrams | Teen Ink

Crazy Love by Amir Abrams

January 8, 2013
By kara montgomery BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
kara montgomery BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do love novels grab your attention? Then this book will have you reading on and on. Kimiyha is in her last year of high school and is in love with her boyfriend Sincere who is in college. She loves her boyfriend and he made it clear that he loves her. But the problem is she does not trust the girls he hangs out with and it causes her to stock his Facebook page. (Weird but people do crazy things for love!) It has all the things you could look for in a book for young adult. It relates to family life, love or your first love and how they ever made you feel or how they make you feel, friendship, and of course what you are going to face in your life… HATERS!!! I think you should read this book it’s one of my new favorites.

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