The absolutely true diary of a part time indian by SHERMAN ALEXIE | Teen Ink

The absolutely true diary of a part time indian by SHERMAN ALEXIE

January 12, 2013
By Creatr BRONZE, New York, New York
Creatr BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The pictures in “The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian” got me so addicted to the story line that I read it twice. By using pictures and humor the author relates to kids and their problems in school. This man is a great novel writer he relates everything in this book to everyday life with students

The book is amazing because of the characters mostly. The characters that intrigue me the most are Arnold and Rowdy. Theses two characters have unique relationship. I have never seen a tough kid hang out or protect a weak kid like Arnold. The setting on this amazing book is the reservation in Washington where they have been sent to . Arnold Spirit is his full name and he is a very bright person with a bad speech impediment. Arnold was born with it and has other problems besides physical one. On the other hand Rowdy he was born mad just fighting every day all day. The reason for this is because for every black eye or bruise he gets from his father he takes it out on a random kid but never his best friend Arnold. My favorite page was page 128. The reason why was because it showed a picture of Arnold showing diversions of him trying escape the fact to tell people that he is poor. the reason why is because he is afraid to tell people he is poor he just doesn’t want people knowing that he is poor .This book has the funniest conflict out of every book I read.

This book is definitely worth reading because it is a funny and it makes you think. After reading this novel I have a different point of view about Indians. Now I know that Indians had it back then. For example some still do have it bad in the life and some are still living in the reservation today or are homeless. Without a doubt I am lucky for the things that I have now. I would recommend this book to Teens because the book is funny and has adventures in it. This book can connect to people of all ages even though it has a little bit of vulgarity for children, but it’s great for the whole family to read.


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